Basic Training

Your Journey Begins Here!

Do you have what it takes? 
Contact Us Today.

We are pleased that you are considering applying to our Academy. Our purpose is to develop and train men and women of character to serve as members of America's thin blue line. For over 40 years we have educated, trained, and inspired recruits for a lifetime of police service. Our mission today remains the same. Recruits are challenged mentally and physically in an environment which instills a commitment to the highest moral and ethical standards.

Accordingly, you will receive quality training to prepare you for a career as a police officer. Your experience as a recruit will be exciting and challenging. When you complete the course you will experience a sense of personal satisfaction with your accomplishments. We prepare men and women to serve the citizens of our communities with commitment and pride. Best wishes for success as you begin the process of earning a place among the elite men and women of the Eastern Missouri Police Academy. 


Dr. Thomas D. Leasor, Executive Director


Training: The process of becoming a police officer is demanding, but it isn't impossible for anyone who can meet the basic qualifications and is motivated to be successful. More than 90% of those attending the Academy complete the program and go on to serve as a professional law enforcement officer. Graduating from our Academy will provide an open door to a lifetime of opportunity to serve the public. Once you are qualified and earn a position with a law enforcement agency, you may become qualified for assignment to a special unit such as traffic accident investigator, narcotics/vice agent, K-9 officer, detective, SWAT member, DARE instructor, or school resource officer. No matter what you do in your law enforcement career we will provide you with the training and experience that will prepare you for success.

Staff & Instructors: Our staff and cast of instructors are an integrated group of working police officers, lawyers, public employees, and civilians who support our atmosphere of professionalism and high standards of ethics and integrity. All of our instructors are state certified and highly qualified to instruct the subjects to which they are assigned. Most of them have full time positions in the criminal justice system and are more than able to provide the vital link between the academic and the real world. They provide real life experiences to the classroom and make the learning process exciting. The resources we employ in the classroom create an enhanced learning environment for our recruits. Recruits are introduced to the world of personal discipline which requires the highest sense of commitment and dedication. The instructors and staff are dedicated to ensuring that our recruits are prepared to take their place on the front lines of our communities to protect our freedoms and serve our citizens. 

Curriculum: Our curriculum is based on two concepts. The first is our mandate from the State Peace Officer Standards and Training Commission (POST). POST establishes the basic level, 600 contact hours, of training required to meet the minimum standards for certification as a Class A Peace Officer. The second mandate is from the Academy Board of Directors. The Board is made up of a group of law enforcement professionals- Chiefs of Police and County Sheriff, who demand the highest standards of the Academy. They provide the direction for supplemental training, 400 contact hours, which they believe is needed to better prepare the recruits for a position in the law enforcement community. 

 The various blocks of subject material include, but are not limited to: 

Legal Studies  

Ethics & Professionalism 

 Patrol Procedures

 Domestic Violence 


 Juvenile Justice 

 Criminal Investigations 

 Traffic Control 

 Emergency Driver Training 

 Hazardous Material I.D. 

 Defensive Tactics 

Fair and Impartial Policing

Jail Procedures

Tactical Communications

Additionally, all recruits are trained and certified in the following specific skill areas:

Collapsible Baton (ASP) 

Patrol Rifle


Crisis Intervention (CIT)

First Aid/First Responder

DWI Enforcement (Breathalyzer) 

Oleoresin Capsicum Spray (MACE) 

40 Caliber Semi Automatic Pistol 


Pressure Point Control Tactics 

1000 Hour Basic Training Course.

We offer two basic types of classes, a day time class and a night time clases.  

Day Course: Meets Monday through Friday with classes beginning at 7:50 am and concluding at 5:00 pm. This course of training will take just over six months to complete. 

Evening Course: Meets Monday through Thursday evenings with classes starting at 5:50 pm and concluding at 10:00 pm. Additionally, recruits are required to attend classes every other Saturday with classes starting at 7:50 am and ending at 5:00 pm. We provide this option for those individuals who must maintain a full-time job while attending the academy. This course of training will take just over one year to complete.  

Admissions: To become a recruit at our Academy, one must meet or exceed our entry standards. If you possess a good moral character, adhere to the highest level of ethical conduct, and maintain a strong sense of integrity you may qualify to attend. 

Our minimum requirements are: 

 Be 21 years of age by graduation  

 Be a natural born or naturalized citizen of the United States 

 Possess a High School diploma or a GED 

 Have limited traffic violations 

 Have no felony convictions or misdemeanor convictions involving moral turpitude 

 No DWI convictions within the past three years 

 Pass a written Aptitude Test 

 Pass a Physical Agility Test 


-25 pushups (no time limit)

-29 situps (1 minute or less)

-1.5 mile run (16:28 or less)


-28 pushups (no time limit)

-35 situps (1 minute or less)

-1.5 mile run (14:36 or less)

 Pass the Director’s Interview 

Our admission requirements are based on what is mandated by State law and our experience with police recruits. They are designed to assist us to determine who can meet our standards and be successful at the Academy. We are attentive to the needs of the law enforcement community and the desires of each individual attempting to gain entry into the profession. The selection process assures us that all who gain entry are more than capable of completing the course of study.

Want to attend the Police Academy and earn college credit at the same time? 

Earn up to 27 college credits at Lindenwood University for attending EMPA. Contact Us for more details. 


Basic Training Cost & Fees

While we are not an approved provider for student loans, we do provide an interest free payment plan. We are also approved for GI Bill benefits for our veterans. While we are not a job placement agency, we do all we can to assist our recruits and graduates in finding an appropriate position within the law enforcement career field.

Basic Training Course Application$50
Book Fees & Uniforms$1,800
Total Cost and Fees$9,000

Missouri Blue Scholarship for Law Enforcement Officer Basic Training Academy Recruits

The Missouri Blue Scholarship is a law enforcement basic training academy scholarship that makes up to $5,000 available for each selected non-sponsored* law enforcement academy recruit to help cover the cost of attending a Missouri basic training academy. Prior to submitting an application, contact the basic law enforcement academy to confirm the academy start date, the cost of the basic academy, and any financial aid you will receive that does not have to be repaid, such as a Federal Pell Grant.

Click Here for more information and to submit your application! 


Basic Training Classes

Basic Training F.A.Q.

No, you do not need a college degree to attend the academy. However, when looking for a job, some departments may require you to have a college degree.

No, you do not have to have college credits to attend the academy. Nor can we accept any college credits.

Yes, the uniform is included in the cost of the academy.

Boots, a good pair of running shoes, the physician fee, and fingerprinting fee are not a part of the tuition price.

It normally takes about 30-45 days for the VA GI-Bill to kick in. Typically, it takes longer for the bill to come in during the month of September.

The academy emails past and current recruits job postings within the state of Missouri. Other than that, we do not place the recruits in departments upon completion of the academy.

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We have many ways to stay connected to EMPA. 

Contact Info

11 Meadows Circle Drive 422
Lake St. Louis, MO 63367

 (636) 614-4072

(636) 329-4720

Admin Office Hours

Monday - 9AM to 5PM
Tuesday - 9AM to 5PM
Wednesday - 9AM to 5PM
Thursday - 9AM to 5PM
Friday - 9AM to 5PM
Saturday - Closed
Sunday - Closed 

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